Our friends at block 15 had a problem, a bunch of partial kegs they needed out of their cellar. Well lucky for us, they also had a solution…A PARTIAL PARTY AT ARCH BRIDGE!!
Here’s how it works. We have a very small amount of all these great beers so they’re going to go quick. Not to worry however, because the next beer behind it might be even better. Blow a keg, win a prize! Here is a handy flow chart to help know what is going to be tapped.
2013 Super Neb ----> 2014 Super Neb ----> 2018 Super Neb
2017 Imagine ----> 2018 Imagine ----> 2018 Belgian Chocolate Imagine
2018 Ripple---> 2014 Framboise Black ----> 2018 Framboise Black
2018 Turbulent Consequence Cassis ----> 2014 Illusions ---->2014 Cardinal Coalescence Krieken
2014 Lambic ---->2010 Block 15 Anniversary ---> 2014 Turbulent Consequence Peche